What is ADHD?
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a brain condition that developed a person’s ability to think, process emotion, and respond to the environment. ADHD is normally diagnosed in childhood. Typically in school times, most of the symptoms of the conditions come out such as problems with the behavior, control issue, anger issues inattention, and distractibility. But yes you can treat ADHD with several options that can help your child to manage their symptoms. Its treatment will be range from behavior therapy to medication. In many cases, the medication itself is the most effective treatment for ADHD.
Please consider some don’ts while dealing with people suffering from ADHD
- Don’t make the uncompletable task – You have to make the task for your children that are achievable. And throughout the task make sure that you are praising and appreciating your child.
- Don’t be negative – It sounds so simple but it isn’t so simple. As you will encounter a lot of negative problems on a daily basis but make sure that you don’t share them with your child.
- Don’t let your child disorder take control – Remember that you are a parent and ultimately your rules will be acceptable in house. But make sure that you are not making rules which allow your child to Live in fear. Be patient and nurturing with your child.
Let’s discuss some do’s which you can use
- Create a structure – Make a daily routine for your child which includes daily homework, meditation, playtime and bedtime.
- Organize your child lives in a simple manner – Maintainer a special and peaceful space in your home where your child will read, do their homework and take a break from everyday chaos. Keep your home neat and clean, so that he is well aware of the fact that where everything is placed. This will reduce unnecessary distractions.
- Regulate sleep patterns – Sleeping is one of the most important needs of a child body. Lack of sleep leads to mood swings, recklessness and weakness. So help your child to get better sleep
Treatments which can help in the treatment of an ADHD
1. Psychotherapy
There are different ways that can make your child feel better and manage your symptoms of ADHD. For example, Psychotherapy is useful to make your child open up with their real feeling, a psychotherapist can help your child better handle their relationships.
In psychotherapy, your child will be able to explore new behavior patterns and learn how to make good decisions in the future. Family therapy is also a great way to help your children to figure out what works best for their child’s disruptive behavior.
2. Behavior therapy
The goal of behavior therapy is to give your child the education on how to monitor their behavior and change and control that behavior appropriately. In this therapy you and your child both need to be worked together to attain the objective.
3. Social skills training
Social skills training can also help your child if your child has a serious issue in dealing with the social environment. Social Skill training will teach the child how to behave appropriately. this will make your child feel better with others. With this training the therapist will try to teach behavior such as sharing, waiting for the turn, accepting failure, asking for help.
4. Parenting skills training
In this training that therapies would give some Tools and techniques to parents which help them understand their children behaviour. These techniques include
- Immediate rewards – Try using a technique where your child will be rewarded for the good behaviour
- Timeouts – If your child has no control, these activities definitely help them to learn that it is absolutely normal to take some minutes extra for doing work or any task.
- Togetherness – As a parent, you need to spare some time every week for your children. You can also look for opportunities where you can praise their strength and abilities.
5. Doctor prescription
Effective treatment for your child’s ADHD can also provide great help. This treatment includes medication and therapies that you can use as a parent. With the proper treatment, you can help your child to feel better and manage better their ADHD symptoms.
6. Cognitive-behavioral therapy.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy is basically used for the short term and it is a form of psychotherapy that focus to change negative patterns of thinking and place them with the new frames of positivity.
7. Support groups
Support groups provide great help in providing teaching to parents about how to connect with children. Sharing their experiences and tell them how to build strong networks and relationships with others. In this session, you will get to know that you are not alone who is dealing with ADHD, as there are a lot of parents were dealing with the same situation. Support groups are a great resource where you can get the ideas and strategies to deal with your child ADHD.
8. Effective medications
Medication is important for a child who is dealing with ADHD. However, as a parent, this is a difficult decision as parents are always concerned about the negative effects of medication. They are so afraid that the child will get consequences in their school life, feel guilty or ashamed that their child condition is not normal. So make the best choice and consult with your doctor, as your doctor can prescribe the medication which is taking only on the evenings or weekends as well. But there is some evidence seen that medications really work in this condition. It is always advisable to have a visit with your doctor as the sooner you will get the treatment, the sooner your child will feel normal.
ADHD can disrupt your children’s lives, but you can treat this by adopting many options which help your children successfully manage their symptoms. There are also some effective medications that you can use, but make sure that you are using them with the proper prescription. These medications will improve your child’s behavior as We have seen that many children will benefit from a combination of medication.